Sunday, August 10, 2008

Camping, Surfing and first word...

Just a quick update from the Wright house!

Jason and I spent last week down at San Onofre state beach camping with the youth group. Camp went really well and everyone seemed to have a great time.

Cassia and I were down there for part of the week and managed to accomplish some firsts... I went surfing for the first time. One of the other Pastor's, Bryan, took me out on a 10ft board and I managed to get up! It was really fun and I can now totally understand why surfing is so addicting!
Cassia also had a first, she ate sand. Yummo. My little human food (and non food) disposal thought it was pretty good. Oh dear. Apart from that we have added green beans and carrots to the menu and there are big plans for peaches this week (and pears if I can find some nice organic ones).

Also, a more important first than surfing or sand happened today while I was out... Cassia said "Dada". I was sceptical, thought Jason was making it up, but sure enough, every hour she blurts out "dadadadadadada". Clever baby!

Ah, the adventures of Mommyhood!

1 comment:

nicole aka gidget said...

keep it up and we can go surfing when we come back to CA! miss you guys.