Sunday, May 8, 2011

Where are we?

Just wanted to put a quick post up to let anyone who hasn't heard from us in a while know why...

We are living in a great new home, in such a new neighbourhood that our internet connection/phone line is non existent. For now we have a mobile modem but we are trying not to use it too much as it is very expensive!

We are all doing well, and have been doing a better job updating our other blog

Micah is now 9 months, has 8 teeth (more on the way), eats almost everything (but is allergic to eggs) and is waving, clapping, talking and a very happy boy.
Cassia has started a 3 year old program twice a week and is loving it. She made her first Mother's Day present for me this week, a frame with a picture of us and a bookmark that had a drawing of me and said "I love Mummy because she is beautiful, I help her with Micah". Priceless!

Cassia sings! from Emma Wright on Vimeo.

Thanks for reading, feel free to send us a quick email if you have time!

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