Last Friday afternoon, I was sitting at home, expecting another night on the couch (although I was pretty excited because I had friends coming to visit) when Jason told me that I should get ready because I was going out!
Not a big deal normally, but when the only time you have left the house in the past 3 weeks was for a visit to the Doctor it is pretty exciting.
He had cleared with my Doctor for me to go to the Youth Group 80's party, just so long as I promised to stay sitting on the couch all night. No problem, I am really good at that. He had even been sneaky enough to get the friends who I thought were coming over to play along with the whole thing.
We got to the party, and I was confused to see some very non-80's decorations - they were pink and shiny (which I guess is actually pretty 80's) but they had 'Baby Girl' written on them... yep, they had fooled me, the 80's party was actually an 80's party/surprise baby shower!
The outfits were fantastic, and some of them didn't look that different to ones I am sure I have worn - leg warmers, baggy t-shirts with leggings, big crimped hair etc. The boys even made an impressive effort.
There were a few shower games that the youth participated in and Jason and I laughed at - drinking apple juice from baby bottles, guessing the baby food flavors etc. glad I wasn't expected to
The night became even more of a surprise when the youth rolled out a baby shower present for us, an awesome stroller! Our little girl is going to be riding in style and comfort! I was shocked, I think you can tell by my expression! We also got some
adorable outfits which I am having a lovely time imagining our baby in.
So, thank you youth group, we love it!