Thursday, June 30, 2011

11 Months?!

11 months, almost a year old - WOW!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Micah crawling {Video}

Here it is, I finally got around to making this!

How to Crawl from Emma Wright on Vimeo.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

10 months

Yep, 10 months has come and gone. It feels a lot closer to one than I am happy to admit!
Cassia is settling in well, and making crazy new friends! Yep, she is being pushed in a dolls stroller at a million miles an hour up and down our house!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Where are we?

Just wanted to put a quick post up to let anyone who hasn't heard from us in a while know why...

We are living in a great new home, in such a new neighbourhood that our internet connection/phone line is non existent. For now we have a mobile modem but we are trying not to use it too much as it is very expensive!

We are all doing well, and have been doing a better job updating our other blog

Micah is now 9 months, has 8 teeth (more on the way), eats almost everything (but is allergic to eggs) and is waving, clapping, talking and a very happy boy.
Cassia has started a 3 year old program twice a week and is loving it. She made her first Mother's Day present for me this week, a frame with a picture of us and a bookmark that had a drawing of me and said "I love Mummy because she is beautiful, I help her with Micah". Priceless!

Cassia sings! from Emma Wright on Vimeo.

Thanks for reading, feel free to send us a quick email if you have time!

Friday, February 25, 2011

7 months and the beach

Here is Micah's 7 month photo - complete with 3 teeth!

Today we went to the beach for the first time in a long time, it was great to be outside, enjoy the weather, and seize the days, enjoying the time with my Mum before we head down to Melbourne, hopefully soon.

Ministry news is at - cute pictures of the kids will continue to appear here!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

6 months (already?!)

Here is Micah's six month photo, I have decided he is growing, the bear is not shrinking!
He is now sitting up (for a few seconds at a time!), and weighs 6.88kg (15.1lbs). He is doing great, and has packed his little suitcase ready for his first plane ride in two weeks time.

Cassia is also doing wonderfully and turns 3 on Sunday! We celebrated her birthday with family a little early so Uncle Jeremy could be here, and we could pack up some of the bigger presents before the movers came. All she wanted was a ladybug cake.

I also got to celebrate with her today by taking her and her best friend Shiloh to tea! It was so sweet to see the girls behaving so well, and enjoying their tea party!

Remember we are also blogging about ministry over at, this blog will be kept for family pictures and news!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


The movers are coming Tuesday, and as you can imagine there is a lot going on at the Wright house!

Until there is more time to write, and share a few photos from Cassia's early birthday celebration check out our new family blog which will keep you up to date with news as we head off to Melbourne.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Micah's first food

We were planning on waiting as long as possible to start Micah on solids... but he seemed ready, and so we busted out the rice cereal.

Things started well, he was really into the bib...

He assumed the position...

Then things went downhill...

And this pretty much sums up Micah's feelings about rice cereal.

I am giving up on rice cereal for now... on to apples!